Thursday, April 20, 2017


WHY in the world am I doing this?

Over the past few weeks I have answered many questions about my mission. But one important one I still need to answer is why am I doing this? Why would I move from a developed, wealthy nation, to the poorest developing country in the world? Why would I give up my job, to go do something I have never done before? Why would I leave the comforts of my house to live in a new place? Why would I choose to miss out on watching the kids in my life that I care about so much grow for a full year? One of my best friends and her husband are having a baby girl right before I leave and I would be lying if I told you that I will not be a bit heartbroken to miss the entire first year of her life! Why would I leave my family, my friends and my church family for a year?

All of these questions, plus many more have gone through my head at some point as I was deciding, and even now, as I prepare for my year in Malawi. Even though there are all these reasons I could use as an excuse not to go, there is one simple explanation as to why I will be going, and it’s really pretty simple. I feel CALLED back to Malawi.

Before we left for Malawi as a family in 2004, our friends and family all gathered together for a commissioning service. During that service the moment that stands out in my memory the most was when we sang the hymn “Here I Am Lord”. This has always been one of my favorite songs to sing (and I know whenever it is being sung I can look at my mom and she will most likely be crying). The Lyrics to this song can easily answer the question, why am I doing this, they read:

“Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.”

I’m going to Malawi, with the help and support of all of you. I have heard God’s call in my life, and I’m ready and willing to follow that calling and go where the Lord is leading me… to Malawi!


  1. Grateful to call you friend! So proud of you!
    Love you!


  2. My name is Amy and I’ve just found your blog. We have so much in common. I’ve only gotten this far, but I feel like I could have written most of what I’ve read so far myself. I will arrive in Malawi at the end of July to live there and teach for a year. I’d love to connect with you personally and share more. My email address is if you are interested.
