Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Africa Hot

Fall has always been one of my favorite times of year. The coolness in the air, the leaves changing, football games, and holidays right around the corner. What could be better? There is something about the seasons changing that I just love. Luckily the seasons change here in Malawi as well. Currently we are in “Hot Season”. And let me just say, that hot season in Africa means HOT.

When I first arrived in August the temperatures were about the same as they were in Pittsburgh - about 85 during the days, dropping down to 65 during the evenings. Many nights as I sat on my front porch I had a long sleeve shirt on because of the coolness in the air. It has since warmed up a tad… okay it has warmed up a lot.

This week it will be about 100 degrees every day. The sun is so strong here that standing in it for a few minutes will leave just about anyone covered head to toe in sweat. Because of the heat, Malawi slows down. It is not uncommon to see people who work outside taking breaks in the shade to escape the heat from the sun for a few minutes throughout the day. People are most active in the mornings and right before the sun sets to avoid the heat of the day. 

I teach in the afternoons and by the end of my lessons I am dripping sweat as if I just ran a marathon. When I teach for two classes in a row, I make my students take a break half way through to go drink water because they are just as hot as I am. Sixty-five students in one room make for a toasty environment.  I give my students all the credit in the world for sitting in the heat and listening intently, never complaining once.

Many of my fellow teachers think it is so funny that I think it is so hot here. They tell me that it is just going to keep getting hotter all the way up until December, and when I think it can’t possibly get ANY hotter, that’s when the rains come. I like to remind my fellow teachers that in America it is getting colder, and that in not too many months it will be snowing there! They can hardly believe when I tell them that, similar to the fact I can hardly believe that it is going to get HOTTER here. 

The heat really slows down life here. Lauren and I have found ourselves lying on the concrete floors of our house, not wanting to do anything because it is just so hot. Even Remus is affected by the heat; the poor pup lays in the shade napping most of the time because the heat is a little much for him. We are fortunate to have a fan that provides an occasional breeze when the power is on, but most of the time we just sit and learn to live in the heat (no AC here). On days when it is just too hot to handle, we will jump in our car and drive around a little while enjoying the AC in the car. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes you just really need an escape from the heat. 

I recently found out the word “Malawi” means flame of the earth. On days when it continues to be 100+ degrees, I can see how this name is appropriate. Please continue to pray for the people in the heat of Africa, for their safety and sanity.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to look forward to your Tuesday morning installment. We just had an entire week of exceptionally outstanding weather. Each day was beautiful with perfect temperatures and sunny days. I made certain (thanks to your weekly reminders) to appreciate, acknowledge, and be thankful (as I was washing windows). The cold and dreary days of winter are just around the corner.
