Thursday, July 13, 2017


For those of you that don't know me, I'm Brooke's older sister, Heather. I was the first person that she told she was going to Malawi. When she told me, I burst into tears. I'm not usually a very emotional person so this caught her off guard and she cried with me. In the days and months since she told me I have thought lots about it! Here are some of my thoughts...

1. I'm going to miss you, Brooke. I can't think about you leaving for an entire year without tearing up every time. You are my housemate and best friend.

2. You are very brave, Brooke. You had the courage to quit your job and put life on hold here to listen to God's call even though that means missing out on big things here. (Family weddings, big birthdays, holidays etc.)

3. You are going to do great things, Brooke. Malawi is a going to be very fortunate to have you for a year! Your enthusiasm and passion for life is going to be on display as you teach. I can only imagine how lucky those children will be to have you as their teacher. I know you will have a huge impact on their education. I have a feeling your teaching style will be very creative, innovative and effective.

4. Even though I will miss you every day, I know you are doing what God wants you to, and I am happy for you! You will be in my thoughts and prayers constantly, and I am very thankful for FaceTime!

Tionana Brooke! ( That means "see you later" in Chichewe.)

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