Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Meet My Students, Part 3

Name: Patrick Nkhoma
Age: 14
Home Village: Blantyre, Machinjiri, boarder at the school.
Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Nsima and Rice
Favorite Subject: Computer, Biology and Physics
Hobbies and Activities: I like watching movies and cartoons, playing Frisbee and football, and running around the school.
Siblings and Family: I have two sisters and one brother. I live with my family.
When you grow up? I want to be a doctor
If you could have anything what would it be? A computer I could use to get more knowledge to be a doctor.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? To the United States of America to meet some doctors and have knowledge about it so that I can be the best doctor in the world after school.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: How many people get sick and die.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I want them to know I want to be the most known doctor in the world.
Things you are thankful for:I am blessed with opportunity to learn daily. My Friends. Teachers. Batman. Food.
Teacher’s Notes: If Form 1 had a class president it would be Patrick. If I ever need to know what is going on, or if I need help with something Patrick is my go-to guy. He is always keeping me on my toes and loves this school and his fellow classmates. I have also instilled my love of batman in him 😊.

Name: Comfort Magoa
Age: 14
Home village: Blantyre
Favorite food: Sausage and Chips
Favorite Subject: Biology, Physics and Chemistry
Hobbies and Activities: Singing and Dancing
Siblings and Family: My 2 brothers, 2 sisters and I live with my parents.
When you grow up? I want to be a Surgery Doctor
If you could have anything what would it be? I would like a laptop
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I would go to Botswana to see different things and to visit my Uncle.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I wish I could change how people live.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I want them to know about my school and how hard I work in class and that chemistry is my favorite subject.
Things you are thankful for: I feel blessed to have teachers, my brothers, my sisters, my parents and all my relatives.
Teacher’s Notes: Comfort is such a hard working student. She always participates in class and you can tell that she just loves to learn and be with her fellow classmates.

Name: Angel Chapondera
Age: 13
Home village: Blantyre
Favorite food: Nsima and Meat
Favorite Subject: Physics
 Hobbies and Activities:  I like playing different games.
Siblings and Family: I have one brother and one sister and we live with our mom and dad.
When you grow up? I want to be a journalist
If you could have anything what would it be? I want to be top of my class.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I would really like to go to India because I like to watch Indian movies.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I would like to make Malawi a famous country and to make education free.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I would like them to know that I love school.
Things you are thankful for: I feel blessed that I have my mom and dad who love me so much, that I have my brother and sister who are very lovely and I also feel blessed because my parents pay my school fees.
Teacher’s Notes: Angel lives up to her name. She is so easy to have in class. She is always smiling and seems to have such a good time learning new material. She is fun to have in class.

Name: Gracia Kanyemba
Age: 13
Home village: Blantyre
Favorite food: Pizza and Ice Cream
Favorite Subject: Biology
 Hobbies and Activities:  Dancing and Playing Netball (similar to basketball)
Siblings and Family: I have one brother and live with my mom’s sister.
When you grow up? I want to be a brain doctor.
If you could have anything what would it be? I would like a laptop.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I would like to go to the USA to see the Disney house.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I would like there to be enough medicine for the whole country.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I want them to know about me and my friends.
Things you are thankful for: I am thankful for God to keep my mom alive and for her to manage to pay school fees for me, for my cool biology teacher, for having good friends, for scoring good marks in exams, for having the life that I am living.
Teacher’s Notes: Gracia is a fantastic student. She is very hard working, but always manages to have a smile on her face, which causes everyone else around her to smile as well. She is very bright and I think she will do great things in her future.


  1. LOVE getting to “meet” your students Brooke!!! They are seem to be such kind and caring young kids :). Keep up the awesome work chica!!!

  2. I have fallen for this kind of reporting and i just feel like sharing printouts with the characters in the stories.

    Keep the good work, Brook and Lauryn. We love you.

    Arnold Kadziponye
    Church Session Clerk
