Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Meet My Students, Part 1

Over the next few weeks/months, I will be posting a series a blogs introducing you to the unbelievable students I am blessed to work with. I hope this gives you more insight as to the truly amazing children they are and how much they have to offer this world. They continue to teach me on a daily basis and I am so thankful I get to teach them. I'm so excited for you to meet them!

Name: Benedict Magwira-Mulele
Age: 12
Home Village: Mulanje Mission, boarder at the school
Favorite Food: Chips with any kind of meat
Favorite Subject: Biology, Physics and sometimes Mathematics
Hobbies and Activities: When I am home I like watching movies and cartoons. Here at school I like playing with my friends.
Siblings and Family: I have one sister and two brothers. I live with my mom and dad and siblings
When you grow up: I want to be a scientist
If you could have anything what would it be? A skateboard, a bicycle and a laptop.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I would go to the United States of America to go to school there. 
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I would vote for a President who would think of others, who is not selfish.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I would want them to know how my family goes and how I perform in class.
Things you are thankful for:I have both parents alive. I have a good life. My biology teacher Miss Merry. My friends. I passed my classes with good grades.
Teacher’s Notes: Benedict is currently the top student in Form 1, because of this he has earned the nickname Mr. Number One to go along with this honor. Benedict has such a giving heart and is always helping other students in the class who need help. He also is always the student I count on to answer questions if no one else knows the answer. I think Benedict has a very bright future in front of him.

Name: Grace  Chilongo
Age: 13
Home village: Kasungu
Favorite food: Chicken and Chips
Favorite Subject?: English
Hobbies and Activities: I like listening to music and hanging out with friends.
Siblings and Family:  I stay with my mum, 3 cousins and my one sister.
When you grow up: I want to be an accountant after school.
If you could have anything what would it be? I would like to communicate with my friends so I would like a phone.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I want to go to the United States because I love the way the teens live their life, mostly I love their lifestyle.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I would mostly want to change the education situation. We need to improve our English
Something you want Americans to know about you: I would like them to know I like to joke around and make friends.
Things you are thankful for: I am thankful for my mother and sister, for my friends, for my school, for my biology teacher (Miss Merry), and for my grandparents.
Teacher’s Notes: Grace is an excellent student. She is currently in the top 5 of Form 1. I have encouraged her to keep striving to be at the top. She works very hard in class, but also knows how to relax and enjoy time with the many friends she has made here at school. She is a joy to have in class.

Name: Fortune Captaim
Age: 13
Home Village: Mulanje
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: Biology and Computer
Hobbies and Activities: I like drawing.
Siblings and Family: I have one sister and three brothers. I stay with my father.
When you grow up: I want to be a teacher
If you could have anything what would it be? To pass all my classes.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I would like to go to the United States of America because it is a fun and beautiful country.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I would like to change the poverty.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I want them to know about our beautiful country
Things you are thankful for: I am thankful for school, life, our beautiful country and God’s creation. 
Teacher’s Notes: Fortune is a strong, independent, confident young student. She is always raising her hand to answer questions during class. It has been such a joy to be able to learn more about her while I tutor her with other students after classes.

Name: Tadala Muula
Age: 13
Home village: Balaka
Favorite food: Chicken and Chips
Favorite Subject: Biology
Hobbies and Activities: I like to sing and play volleyball.
Siblings and Family: I have one brother and one sister and we live with our mom and dad.
When you grow up: I want to be a medical doctor.
If you could have anything what would it be? I want to be top of my class.
If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? I want to go to India because it looks like a beautiful place.
Something you wish you could change about Malawi: I want to change many girls from dropping out of school so they can become the leaders of tomorrow.
Something you want Americans to know about you: I love science.
Things you are thankful for: I am thankful for my family, for my opportunity to go to school, to have really good teachers, to have both of my parents, to have a really good mother.
Teacher’s Notes: Teaching biology to Tadala is so fun. She loves science so she is always willing to participate in class and answer questions. She is always asking questions and pushing herself to learn more. She is a great student and is certainly on the path to being a great leader of tomorrow.


  1. Brooke, Thank you for posting about each of these wonderful young people. I just loved reading about them, their love of chips, their family and their dreams.Have you thought about the possibility of arranging pen pals between those who would be honored to do so? If so count me as one of those who would participate. Many prayers and blessings to you and the students in your classes. Joann freel

  2. These bios are an excellent idea, Brooke. Please thank your students for sharing.

  3. Brooke, Such a wonderful way for your students to express their feelings of their life, their thoughts and what they want for their future. I think the pen pal idea would be ideal for students to learn what students here would like to know about more their country and tell them more about the USA, themselves and what they would like to do in the future with possible mutual correspondence if that is feasible. Thanks you for sharing and look forward to future bios...
